Fluke T5-1000 Voltage, Continuity and Current Teste
Máy thử điện FLuke 9040
Tính năng Bút thử điện FLuke 9040
Phase rotation indicator with high voltage capability for industrial applications
The Fluke 9040 is effective for measuring phase rotation in all areas where three phase supplies are used to feed motors, drives and electrical systems. The Fluke 9040 is a rotary field indicator and can provide clear indication of the 3 phase via an LCD display and the phase rotation direction to determine correct connections. It allows rapid determination of phase sequence and has a voltage (up to 700 V) and frequency range suitable for commercial and industrial applications. The included test probes have a variable clamping range for safe contact, also in industrial sockets.
Tôi là Đến Phạm, Làm việc tại TKTECH.VN, bạn đang xem thông tin của mình.
Sales Mr. Phạm Đến
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Email: phden@tktech.vn, phden.tk@gmail.com
Skype : phden_tk
Yahoo: phden_tktech
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